I am a boarder at NEGs from Forbes in central NSW.
This is my third year at NEGS and I am in Year 8. I am lucky to bring my two horses to school with me. Stoney Creek is my horse I compete at Dressage, Show Riding and Combined Training with and Board Walk which I compete at Eventing and Dressage.
Both horses have lots of experience and provided me with confidence to achieve some results I am proud of.
coming soon
During these past summer holidays, my horse Stoney Creek and I have enjoyed a few weeks break and then a few trail rides before preparation for the 2020 show season begins. Our first show will be Uralla Show on Saturday 8th February. We will compete at a few Ag shows in the New England as we get closer to Sydney Royal Easter Show. Stoney and I have been accepted in the following events:
Small show hunter hack 15.hh not exceeding 15.2hh Small show hunter hack childs 15.hh not exceeding 15.2hh Working hunter class 80cm Open rider 12yrs to 15yrs Novice rider 12 to 17yrs
On the Dressage front we begin the year with a Armidale High Point Dressage competition on 9th February. During February we will also compete at the NEGS Official Summer Dressage competition.
In 2020 I look forward to competing at Sydney Royal, NSW YR DRessage Championships, NSW Interschools as well as Southern Cross Show Horse Spectacular also many other competitions throughout NSW