Being part of Ridley, we are constantly reviewing operations to optimise energy use. We regularly conduct energy audits across all our sites. As a result opportunities for improvement in boiler efficiency, pellet presses, and compressors have been found and made. Additionally, we comply with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007, and report energy usage as required.
We all have a responsibility to have our voice heard, and we participate in the Australian Farm Institute Round Table on agriculture and emissions trading. We are also studying the potential impacts of the scheme on our business, identifying opportunities to reduce energy use. Through our innovative feed solutions, we are also helping our customers reduce their own carbon emissions.
Ridley is always looking for opportunities to reduce water usage. We have implemented water management plans at key sites, identifying innovative and effective solutions to reduce water consumption.
We reduce waste through improved efficiencies at our feed mills by diverting as much by-products as possible into recycling streams. We are a proud signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant.