What are some approaches to troubleshooting some common training and horse problems within your chosen Equine Discipline? My training technique is to reward and make the horse feel good when they are doing the right thing- and make it less comfortable when they are doing the wrong thing. I am a big believer of making the path of least resistance the way I want the horse to go.
What do you look back on and wish you could have done differently –and what advice do you have for other riders? Sometimes I think I focused too much on doing well at the next competition and climbing the levels rather than focusing on the big picture and my horses future. Basics are so important and if you haven’t nailed the movements at one level don’t expect to go out there and do well at the next. Sometimes money and time is better spent on training and lessons rather than competition after competition!
What are some of the memories you look back on and smile about? I love looking back on pony club and interschool team events. There was nothing better than camping with your teammates, helping each other and cheering each other on then celebrating the successes. I also love looking back at the journey I have had with young horses. From the early days on first getting on their back to the sense of achievement when they have their first clear round or win their first rug- it’s a great feeling of achievement. I love to compare the photo of my dressage pony Barringa Alexander doing his first prelim test to the photos of him winning Dressage with the Stars a few years later.
How did you get started in the industry and who inspired you? I started riding horses from a very young age as my mother and grandmother were horse people and there was a Shetland in the paddock waiting for me when I was born. My mum was a very successful carriage driver representing Australia in Vienna Austria at the World Singles Carriage Driving Championships when I was very young. I never got into the carriage driving myself but her determination and commitment to her sport definitely inspired me in my own equestrian pursuits. Apart from mum, I remember in primary school writing a fan letter to Matt Ryan who was an Australian Olympic eventing rider. I was absolutely stoked to receive a really nice reply from him that encouraged me to never give up on my dreams- and I still haven’t!
Who supported you the early days? Mum! (dad helped financially too!)
Who do you look up to in the equestrian world and why? It’s hard to go past Charlotte Dujardin. Not only because she is a brilliant rider and has an impressive collection of gold medals but she is also such a kind horse person, using a harmonious and gentle technique when training her horses. I like the way she hacks her dressage horses out and keeps the work varied- something I find very useful with my own horses. I also love that she is an ambassador for a Donkey care and rescue charity, animal welfare is very important to me.
What Barastoc feeds are you currently using? I love Calm Performer for my dressage and eventing horse. It gives her enough energy while keeping her relaxed and rideable. If I need to up the ant a little I like to use Command. She absolutely loves both of these feeds. My mares and foals have absolutely flourished on their Breed n Grow. There is nothing better out there to nourish them and give the foals the right start to life nutritionally.
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